How To Stop Self-Sabotage?

Do you come up with super-detailed plans to take action on but then get overwhelmed, procrastinate about the first step and end up doing nothing?

Discover The First Step To Stop This Debilitating and Vicious Cycle 
And Finally Get Out Of Your Own Way!

How do I know if I’m sabotaging myself?

  • Have you ever just made a deadline for a big work project, finding yourself down to the wire because you spent too much time on social media or finding any other task to do except what you actually need to do?
  • Or gotten excited about a new idea in the workplace, only to convince yourself no one would be really interested and it’s probably just a silly idea anyway?
  • How many Mondays have you been determined that this is the time, you're finally going to ‘get that job done’ or stop feeling stressed and bogged down or even to begin that health plan only to abandon the whole idea in just a few days?

If These Scenarios Sound Familiar, 
You Are Stuck In A Cycle Of Self-Sabotage

At one point or another, so many of us have done something that undermines our best interests and well intended plans of progress.  And that usually leaves us feeling weary, stuck, overwhelmed, and uninspired and often …feeling like a failure because we just can’t get on top of life the way we want.

Even the most successful women gets in their own way. often without realising it.
This is known as self-sabotage and it is the most destructive behaviour you can face in your life. 

You get so caught up in the ‘planning and the ideas’ but the ‘doing’ never gets done. 
So many obstacles seem to block your path and feel like you can’t get off this ‘very bumpy road’ of going nowhere.

But if we know it is a problem why do we do it?

And more importantly, how do we stop?

No matter how you are feeling right now … tired and worn out, stuck, overwhelmed and uninspired, not hitting goals at work, struggling in your relationships, or unable to fully commit to those fitness and diet goals you constantly think about, then uncovering your self-sabotage triggers is the very first step.

Finally, you can transform the debilitating cycle that is spurred on by that constantly critical ‘inner voice’ chattering in your head into thoughts of calm and clarity boosted by happiness, courage, confidence, daring and strength. You will live in the bliss of personal freedom knowing that you can do and achieve anything you want and be the person you want to be.

Take the 2-minute quiz and get your personalized first steps action plan so that you can begin on your journey towards the bliss of personal freedom knowing that you can do and achieve anything you want and be the person you want to be.

About The Quiz Creator

I am Leanne Boyd and I have been working with women just like you to help them grow in strength with the power of self-love and happiness to become the best they can be.

I am a highly qualified Positive Change Specialist, Transformologist® and Leadership Coach for women.  
I provide women with a fast, effective and long-lasting transformation in their lives.

Combining the cutting edge science of epigenetics and the unique way the female brain works, I use my extensive knowledge, qualifications and experience to help my clients  unlock their unlimited potential by changing limiting and sabotaging beliefs to an abundant and positive mindset to avoid chronic stress and possible physical 'burnout'.

I guide women to give them the complete picture of the emotional, physical and the metaphysical link between what they are feeling emotionally and what they may be experiencing physically health-wise.

My unique skill set is a holistic approach treating the whole woman which includes a proven female-specific success solution as well as the multiple modalities of Naturopathy, Clinical Reflexology, Ayurvedic Facial Rejuvenation and Psychosomatic Face Reading.

Take the 2-Minute Quiz To Find Out!

WHAT’S holdinG YOU back?

With this 2 Minute Quiz, Get Your Personalised First Steps Action Plan
Q1) The way you feel about yourself on a given day depends largely on situational factors (e.g., what others say to you, how others respond to you, or what your weight is on the scale).
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